• Are you wondering if your drinking might be unhealthy?
  • Do you negotiate with yourself to justify your alcohol consumption?
  • Are you tired of suffering?
  • Do you count the minutes until “wine-o-clock” every day?
  • Are you worried someone will notice how much you’re drinking?
  • Do you feel guilt, shame, or anxiety about your drinking?
  • Are you considering a life with less or no alcohol?
  • Do you experience memory lapses or confusion?
  • Are unsure how to navigate your future without alcohol?
  • Are you living the life you always imagined?

I’ve been where you are now.

I spent more than 12 years self-medicating a back injury – first with pills and then with alcohol. By 2013, my life had become unmanageable. It wasn’t just what the booze was doing to me; I simply felt unworthy. And, even when I achieved success (whether personal or professional), I convinced myself I didn’t deserve it or hadn’t worked hard enough for it.

  • I placed everyone else’s needs ahead of my own.
  • I craved approval so deeply I was incapable of setting boundaries.
  • I self-sabotaged every opportunity to live my ideal life.
  • I celebrated alcohol like the cherry on top of a great day and snuggled into it like a blanket to soothe away a bad day.
  • I refused to let myself feel emotions happy, sad, or otherwise.
  • I thought drinking wine was self-care; I had never heard of self-love.
  • No one knew how much I was hurting.

It was no way to live; in fact, I wasn’t living. I finally gave myself permission for a do-over. Because we only get this one life.

Ready To Explore Your Relationship With Alcohol?

Download My FREE Guidebook Today!

  • Is your drinking taking up too much real estate in your mind?
  • Is alcohol feeling bigger than it used to?
  • Is it creating more problems than it’s solving?
  • Are you wondering if you need to quit?

Then my free guidebook is for you. 

Download your copy today to get access to some of my favorite coaching tools.

  • Self-Assessment Quiz
  • Journaling Prompts
  • Reflection & Goal Setting Pages

This guidebook is designed to help you dig deep and explore your relationship with alcohol. It will not diagnose you or slap a label on you. It will not dictate requirements or provide instructions for change.

It is a powerful set of tools that will guide your personal self-assessment by uncovering truths that may be buried out of sight or blurred by the presence of alcohol in your life.

Are You Ready?


Your “Why”

Unmask your fears and doubts; remove blocks.


Your Truth

Embrace what brings you joy, peace, and purpose.


Your Life

Harness what nourishes your mind, body, and spirit.

What is a Professional Coach?

First, let me tell you what a coach is not. As a certified professional life and addiction recovery coach, I am not a counselor, therapist, psychiatrist, or consultant. I will not assess or analyze you. I will not direct or instruct you.

As your coach, I help you make changes YOU want to make. My job is to support you in achieving a specific goal or set of goals, to partner with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that leverages your strengths and inspires you to maximize your potential. We will not talk about flaws, brokenness, or imperfection. Our relationship is a confidential collaboration in which I use experience, resources, accountability, one-on-one support, and other tools to help guide you to identify and achieve goals that you set for yourself.

Tony Robbins explores the difference between coaches and therapists. Please click for more information that may help you decide what kind of professional is best for you.

I Can Help You

  • Reclaim your power.
  • Take charge of your life.
  • Become more self-confident.
  • Realize your potential.
  • Improve relationships.
  • Discover joy.
  • Live your purpose.

Some Kind Words

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